Thursday, March 22, 2012

World Water Day 2012: Post #5

For your birthday, throw a drinking party, invite everyone you know, and make an impact on the World Water Crisis.

You can also do less dramatic things, but here lays an idea from charity:water, an organization that raises millions for people without clean water around the world.

charity:water is running a birthday campaign where you can ask people to take the money that they would pay for birthday gifts and give to the global water relief effort.  It's a cool idea, and I promise that charity:water makes it fun too!

So you're in?  Awesome, glad to hear it.

First, watch the video if you have not already, and find out how two eight-year-olds became celebrities.  Then, learn more about what it means to give up your birthday to satisfy numerous lives!

This is all in honor of what the United Nations has declared as World Water Day (March 22 of each year).

Give the gift of new life to someone this year.  Consider pledging your birthday.

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