Sunday, March 4, 2012

When Chiseling Creates Sparks

Chink, chink, chink, chink, chink.   That is the sound of a stonemason doing his handiwork, taking a chunk of ordinary and turning into extraordinary.  A rock turns into a piece of art.

Through LiqudChurch's podcast, I have been listening to the series from Feb. 2009 called "Heat".  The description reads like this:

"Are your relationships too much fizzle, not enough sizzle? Heat is a candid, eye-opening series about Love & Sex based on the Song of Songs. From hook-ups to heartbreak, discover God's design for relationships that go the distance."

The first sermon, named "Hot or Not?", addresses attraction.  The question is deeper than "Hot or Not?" but rather "What are you looking for?"

What is in your laundry list describing your perfect soul mate?  We all have lists and we all have expectations.  That is fine and encouraged.  However, if physical traits are among your top three, I challenge you to reconsider what may be important.

Pastor Tim points it out well.  In his almost 15-year marriage, some of the original beauties of youth may have faded.  He quotes that getting married involves a lot of getting "wrinkly" together.  But amazingly, he says that he is more attracted to his wife today than when he was when he met her.

WOW!  Among many divorce stories, this stands out as an example of a relationship worth working toward.  However, the question is he MORE attracted than when they first met?


We may not grow in physical beauty as we get older, but we sure grow in character. We also don't get there on our own.  Our character resides within us, but its molding is much reliant on the people that surround us.

Chink, chink, chink.  We are always molding ourselves to be people of great character.  Can you think of a higher compliment to be bestowed upon you at the end of your life?

"There is a man/woman of great CHARACTER and VALUE!"  ...My fellow unmarried brothers:  Seek character when pursuing your woman.  It is a much worthier investment than "hotness".

Come back to me in 15 years and tell me whether the sparks still fly.


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