...A season of discipline, sacrifice, revelation, and meaning.
These 40 days are traditionally observed by Catholics and many Protestants to give symbolism to the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). While the Bible does not say that Christians must observe Lent, it is generally accepted as a very beneficial experience for many believers.
In the wilderness, Jesus has to weigh His temptations against His love and devotion to His Father. (You should contrast His response to the devil's temptation to that of man/Adam in Genesis 3.)
The practice of "giving up something for Lent" is supposed to teach us about our humanity and bring us closer to the Father.
This year, I have taken Blood:Water Mission's challenge to drink only water between now and Easter so that others may be able to do so in the future. In this challenge, I have to weigh my temptations against a devotion to what touches God's heart. Through discipline, I will be able to help others who may be less fortunate and provide water to the less fortunate.
This was originally my own personal journey, but I think God calls us into community and wants us to shout out injustices from the rooftops. This is where YOU come in :)
This is a 40 day challenge, and I figure that the amount that an individual person may save on drinks in a day may be around $5.
40 x $5 = $200
I am setting a goal to raise $200 dollars for Blood Water Mission between now and Easter. If this cause speaks to your heart, I would love for you to partner with me and help provide basic sustenance for many that desperately need it in Africa.
I will be running this campaign through CrowdRise, Edward Norton's (yes, from Fight Club) social fundraising website.
We are just drops among a sea of humanity, but our ripples will reach many!
I will be running this campaign through CrowdRise, Edward Norton's (yes, from Fight Club) social fundraising website.
We are just drops among a sea of humanity, but our ripples will reach many!
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