Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Running into Open Arms

Think back to your childhood memories.  Take hold of the one where you ran into the arms of a loved one.  It was most likely a parent, a neighbor, or maybe a good family friend.  You run with sporadic coordination until you are securely received into a loving embrace.

This familiar scenes seems applicable in two settings.  The first involves joy, comparable to when daddy comes home or grandma visits with a plate of cookies.  You go darting out of the house and down the driveway before they even close the car door.

The second involves security, comparable to when a disheartening event happens.  There may be a look of fear, confusion, or even desperation.  There is a different urgency in this setting as you are looking for someone to hold you and tell you everything will be OK.

In each case, we RUN toward the light. We run toward security.  We run toward love. The reason for running may be different for each person, but we all have a place of refuge?  Who/what is your security?  Does it provide you complete satisfaction and peace?

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