Thursday, March 29, 2012

World Water Day: One Week Later

So you may remember the flurry of activity on World Water Day on March 22.  charity:water sent out the following results to their supporters...

Hi friends,
World Water Day was a huge success! 
Here are a few highlights: 
10,802 birthdays have been pledged around the world – and counting!
We trended #worldwaterday across the USA in the morning, in most major cities (including San Francisco in the afternoon) and we were featured on the 'Discover' tab of mobile Twitter.
We had the 3rd highest traffic day in the history of charity: water with 149,889 visitors to our site. 
Kristen Bell, Ashton Kutcher, Tony Hawk, Mike Tyson, John Cusack, Blake Mycoskie (TOMS shoes), Soledad O’Brien, Pete Cashmore (Mashable) & many more shared our campaign to their millions of followers.
Nathan Fillion started a birthday campaign immediately and has already raised $55,000! 
Needless to say, the impact was powerful. 
Thanks for your time and dedication to our cause. We hope to see you back in our offices soon!
--the charity:water Team

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Running into Open Arms

Think back to your childhood memories.  Take hold of the one where you ran into the arms of a loved one.  It was most likely a parent, a neighbor, or maybe a good family friend.  You run with sporadic coordination until you are securely received into a loving embrace.

This familiar scenes seems applicable in two settings.  The first involves joy, comparable to when daddy comes home or grandma visits with a plate of cookies.  You go darting out of the house and down the driveway before they even close the car door.

The second involves security, comparable to when a disheartening event happens.  There may be a look of fear, confusion, or even desperation.  There is a different urgency in this setting as you are looking for someone to hold you and tell you everything will be OK.

In each case, we RUN toward the light. We run toward security.  We run toward love. The reason for running may be different for each person, but we all have a place of refuge?  Who/what is your security?  Does it provide you complete satisfaction and peace?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There's A Party on the Rooftop Top of the World

Have you felt this triumphant feeling that is felt throughout this song?  When life is going good, most definitely.  When I feel blessing, most definitely.  When I feel life is a party, most definitely.

...when things get tough, most definitely...not.

Don't you get so mad at God for the circumstances in our lives?  Divorce, sickness, financial uncertainty...the list can go on.  So how can there be a party on the rooftop even when I'm just not feeling it?

So I often say that it comes down to a faith that understands that God is sovereign through it ALL.  Understanding (well maybe not understanding, but being reminded) that Jesus strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Jesus was all about the weak during His time on earth.  He made no nobody's into somebody's and he asked 12 teenagers who were more interested in fishing than synagogues to follow Him and change the world.  Is there a lesson here?

I then feel the encouragement that through my weaker times, God be there in the strongest way.

"So why doesn't He do anything about it?  I hear all this talk of miracles, so why doesn't He do a miracle in my life?"

As I read through the Gospels, I notice that Jesus always validated the faiths of the people in which He performed miracles.  Next, He performed miracles that would only point to His power and not to a scientific or worldly explanation.  In the end, He is all about His glory.

And His glory is lived out in each of us that choose (or elected, depending on your theological standpoint) to follow and live through Him. Often, I have to remind myself that His glory may be larger than my small worldly comforts or successes.  It is hard to understand and provide answers.

But that, my friends, is the definition of faith.

Until I understand over a coffee chat in heaven, I will ascend the stairs and let His glory shine...from the rooftops.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Life is Beautiful!

A father's love
A wedding dance
New Year's dreams
A toast with friends

A soldier coming home from war
A faith, a hope for so much more
A brand new life
A mother's prayer
Shooting stars
Ocean air

A lover's kiss
Hard goodbyes
Christmas lights


Thursday, March 22, 2012

World Water Day 2012: Post #5

For your birthday, throw a drinking party, invite everyone you know, and make an impact on the World Water Crisis.

You can also do less dramatic things, but here lays an idea from charity:water, an organization that raises millions for people without clean water around the world.

charity:water is running a birthday campaign where you can ask people to take the money that they would pay for birthday gifts and give to the global water relief effort.  It's a cool idea, and I promise that charity:water makes it fun too!

So you're in?  Awesome, glad to hear it.

First, watch the video if you have not already, and find out how two eight-year-olds became celebrities.  Then, learn more about what it means to give up your birthday to satisfy numerous lives!

This is all in honor of what the United Nations has declared as World Water Day (March 22 of each year).

Give the gift of new life to someone this year.  Consider pledging your birthday.
World Water Day 2012: Post #4

This video has a dramatic and quite eerie beginning, which unsettled me at first and I thus questioned its presentation. But then I had to remind myself that this issue is so much more uncomfortable for nearly 1 billion people on this planet.

WaterAid is an organization that impacts some of the poorest areas in the world, trying to provide solutions that result in life change.

((Today, March 22, is declared by the United Nations as World Water Day, a day where they focus on the enormity of water on our lives:
World Water Day 2012: Post #3

Matt Damon, co-founder of, shares what the water issues mean to him.

He shows how you can take a large issue and make it personal.

(Today, March 22, is declared by the United Nations as World Water Day.)
World Water Day 2012: Post #2

The United Nations sets aside one day each year to talk about water issues.

Want to learn more about the big fuss about water?

The UN speaks:
UN's World Water Day 2012: Post #1

International World Water Day is held annually on March 22 as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating March 22, 1993 as the first World Water Day.

Since then, the United Nations has picked a new issue to focus on each year.  In past years it has been "Water in Cities" and "Water Quality".  This year, the focus is on "Water in Agriculture".  Estimates of about 70% of our freshwater use in the world is utilized in agriculture.  The video claims that 1/3 of this agricultural produce is wasted.  This is just one fact among many that the United Nations is trying to highlight this year.  

World Water Day is a day of education and exposure.  Sit back, be enlightened.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Look Good in My Shirt: Water is A Right

Sevenly is an organization that takes top-notch artists and has them design t-shirts for a different charity every week.  This week the charity is Thirst Relief International.  Watch the video to figure out exactly which project that Sevenly is helping to sponsor in India!

Personally, I am going withe Medium Indigo option.  What about you?

Tweet about this on Twitter.

Monday, March 19, 2012

"What Will People Say...when I am just a memory..."

Listen.  Reflect.  Evaluate. Respond.

Yes, Jesus loves us and it incites a response.  Often, however, I fall short of a response to the freedom that is given to me.

I am blessed to have Sidewalk Prophets remind me what my purpose is, who I am.  I am love, for Christ is within me.  When people see me, they should see that.  They can also see the struggle that results, as people can see that I am not always that loving person.  This is where Jesus shines brightest, as he redeems, and His love bursts forth!

But really, as my soul rises to its final resting place what will people say about my life?  This is a story that is untold, but it is a story that should be written in love... and since Jesus is love, it should be written in Jesus.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

How do you define SUCCESS?

September Campaign 2011 Rig is drilling in Northern Ethiopia! from charity: water on Vimeo.

It first starts with a VISION...then...

that VISION becomes a reality!

charity:water had the vision to increase its capacity to help a number of villages around the world gain access to clean drinking water.  They started in September, and here we are...TODAY!  Success is shown as the clear liquid gold comes spewing out of the ground, springing a whole village into a new life.

Are you impressed with what charity:water is doing today?  Well, stay tuned for World Water Day (March 22, next Thursday) and see how you can get more involved.

Can't wait until next week? Are you looking to get involved in the water crisis today? Well, let's start small.  Blood:Water Mission is doing very similar work in Africa, continuing to impact lives through the access to clean water.

It is estimated that $20 can give one person clean water for life.  I am trying to partner with 20 of you to give up coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks for two days and to donate that money that would have spent (about $10) to the Blood:Water Mission.  You can partner with me through Edward Norton's social fundraising site:  I would love to SUCCESSFULLY bring clean water to 10 people by Easter.  What do you think?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Change Lives in 40 Days


...A season of discipline, sacrifice, revelation, and meaning.

These 40 days are traditionally observed by Catholics and many Protestants to give symbolism to the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).  While the Bible does not say that Christians must observe Lent, it is generally accepted as a very beneficial experience for many believers.

In the wilderness, Jesus has to weigh His temptations against His love and devotion to His Father.  (You should contrast His response to the devil's temptation to that of man/Adam in Genesis 3.)

The practice of "giving up something for Lent" is supposed to teach us about our humanity and bring us closer to the Father.

This year, I have taken Blood:Water Mission's challenge to drink only water between now and Easter so that others may be able to do so in the future.  In this challenge, I have to weigh my temptations against a devotion to what touches God's heart.  Through discipline, I will be able to help others who may be less fortunate and provide water to the less fortunate.

This was originally my own personal journey, but I think God calls us into community and wants us to shout out injustices from the rooftops.  This is where YOU come in :)

This is a 40 day challenge, and I figure that the amount that an individual person may save on drinks in a day may be around $5.

40 x $5 = $200

I am setting a goal to raise $200 dollars for Blood Water Mission between now and Easter.  If this cause speaks to your heart, I would love for you to partner with me and help provide basic sustenance for many that desperately need it in Africa.

I will be running this campaign through CrowdRise, Edward Norton's (yes, from Fight Club) social fundraising website.  

We are just drops among a sea of humanity, but our ripples will reach many!

Monday, March 5, 2012

All In!

When we give it all to Jesus, what does that actually mean?

It means giving your mind, body, and soul to the Creator.  However, I know you have heard that before and it is a little cliche.

All in for Jesus means that He gets the glory of our successes, but he also gets the burdens of our problems.

Today, I was reminded of some of my troubles of past as well as some of my shortcomings, but it was beautiful to know that I am redeemed.  I am part of an ugly and beautiful relationship with my Lord.  Ugly because it is so one-sided; beautiful because I am so blessed.

I also had the great fortune of hearing a triumph story from a friend who had his prayers answered.  He found a job and he found a church within the City that Never Sleeps.  It brought a smile to my face and made me again revel at the greatness of God.

We often pray when we are in need, and he often comes through.  Just make sure you give Him all the credit  when He does.  Praise as often as you pray.

When we give our lives to Jesus, He bears it all...but He also deserves it all!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

When Chiseling Creates Sparks

Chink, chink, chink, chink, chink.   That is the sound of a stonemason doing his handiwork, taking a chunk of ordinary and turning into extraordinary.  A rock turns into a piece of art.

Through LiqudChurch's podcast, I have been listening to the series from Feb. 2009 called "Heat".  The description reads like this:

"Are your relationships too much fizzle, not enough sizzle? Heat is a candid, eye-opening series about Love & Sex based on the Song of Songs. From hook-ups to heartbreak, discover God's design for relationships that go the distance."

The first sermon, named "Hot or Not?", addresses attraction.  The question is deeper than "Hot or Not?" but rather "What are you looking for?"

What is in your laundry list describing your perfect soul mate?  We all have lists and we all have expectations.  That is fine and encouraged.  However, if physical traits are among your top three, I challenge you to reconsider what may be important.

Pastor Tim points it out well.  In his almost 15-year marriage, some of the original beauties of youth may have faded.  He quotes that getting married involves a lot of getting "wrinkly" together.  But amazingly, he says that he is more attracted to his wife today than when he was when he met her.

WOW!  Among many divorce stories, this stands out as an example of a relationship worth working toward.  However, the question is he MORE attracted than when they first met?


We may not grow in physical beauty as we get older, but we sure grow in character. We also don't get there on our own.  Our character resides within us, but its molding is much reliant on the people that surround us.

Chink, chink, chink.  We are always molding ourselves to be people of great character.  Can you think of a higher compliment to be bestowed upon you at the end of your life?

"There is a man/woman of great CHARACTER and VALUE!"  ...My fellow unmarried brothers:  Seek character when pursuing your woman.  It is a much worthier investment than "hotness".

Come back to me in 15 years and tell me whether the sparks still fly.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy March 2012: Discipleship and Resolution

So 2 months have gone by in 2012 and there is so much yet to be written.  Some of us have given up on our resolutions and yet still others are going strong.  Even still, this can be a time to set goals for the remainder of 2012.  Heck, let’s be bold.  Let’s set some goals that will impact the rest of our lives and the lives around us.

I had the great opportunity to go on a retreat this past weekend through Liquid Church in northern New Jersey.  I was surrounded by young adults in the age range of 19-30.  There was a diversity in background and faith experiences, but many of us still had the same questions and struggles. (Video summary by Chuck Poole)

Our worship leader began the retreat by asking us to reflect on the one question we were going to asking God over the weekend.

Pastor Dave Adamson, Australian born, challenged us on the last day to be focused in our prayer and ask God for one thing in 2012.  Reflect on this while I tell you what the retreat was all about.

Disciple.  What is it?  What does it mean?  How do you know if you can label yourself as such?  These were questions we contemplated throughout the weekend as we learned how , according to the Gospels, Jesus called 12 young adults to change the world.  Can we call ourselves disciples?  Are we changing the world for God?

Disciples are people we:
  • from whom we learn
  • by which we are encouraged
  • to whom are accountable
Disciples also demonstrate boldly through action!
  • Actions do not stand alone.  They involve the word “we”.
  • They maximize the power of relationships and community.
  • They have a good eye, always looking for generosity
  • They have a good tongue, keeping in mind the warnings of James 3.
  • They work for the positive, never lying or speaking negative truths.
Finally, disciples are taught and are learners.  Disciples respect and revere their teachers, learning to be like them and learning to follow their ways.  We, as disciples of Jesus, love our teacher and will constantly seek to be like Him.  How do we do so?  By studying His Word, the Bible, and learning from others who do likewise.

Did you think of that one thing that you will ask God for in 2012?  For me, I have praises upon praises for His provisions at my current moment.  I ask God that He use my gifts to bring those around me into closer community with Him.  What is it for you?  Is it a relationship, a career focus, a family member that is struggling?

Photo thanks to


Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Drop in the drop is just a small constituent.  The greater sea is massive, overwhelming, powerful.
However, it could be said that the sea is simply a large number of drops in community with each other.
One drop cannot form a wave, float a boat, or sustain a fish.
One drop can influence the immediate drops around it.

In the graphic, a lone drop enters the collective from a great height.  It plunges head first, impacting the other drops around it.  Then, finally it simply elevates back into the air leaving behind ripples.  These ripples have a further reach than the initial contact of the original drop.

I am a drop.

...with influence!