Trials/Tribulations Lead to Beauty and a Greater Story
"In the midst of the darkness, You're the light that guides me through..." Elevation Worship
"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" John 16:33
"You have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ" 1 Peter 1:7
Life is hard. Life tries our souls. Life is a minefield of trials and tribulations.
But in a previous blog, I have also mentioned that Life Is Beautiful. I continue to maintain this position as well, seeing that life is also full of so many little presents that bring many smiles to faces and much happiness to the hearts, minds, and souls. There is something to be said even for the various blessings that we each receive each and every day, no matter our circumstance. But, I will not choose to downplay the fact that life on earth is intrinsically difficult.
Many of these difficulties arise from brokenness and the far-reaching sins of other people. I wrote down some thoughts on why this happens in light of recent events at Penn State. Other difficulties arise from the imperfections in creation which were brought about when Adam and Eve ate from the tree that gave them the knowledge of good and evil, which brought about cursed work (trial and tribulation) and death. Why we continue to have to pay the price for a couple of feeble-minded people traipsing around the jungle is a thought for another time, but for now this story does feed in to the foundation of our existence.
Despite this backdrop, through all this trial and tribulation, there is great beauty and it does lead to an even greater story. I have to first remind myself that Jesus did come to earth and demonstrated that he feels the same feelings that we do. I would even go out on a limb and say that our trials and tribulations hurt Him exponentially more, because of his nature to care and to love.
But here is where the beauty comes in. While we are already caught up in this story of conflict, the end of this story has been spoiled. Just as we see the beauty in a marriage between two committed people, we will see an infinitely more beautiful wedding between Christ and his church of believers at the end of times. I cannot wait for that reception party!
While this is a vision that is beautiful enough to bring a tear to anyone's eye. The story is not complete with just a conflict and conclusion. In between both stages, there is a climax and that is the sacrifice and resurrection. In the above quote from John 16, these are among His last words on earth before He ascends back to His heavenly lawn chair. While the trials and tribulations of this earth hurt Him infinitely more, He has redeemed ALL of it as He took all of the pains and sins of the world onto His shoulders and took them to the cross. In doing so, He not only overcame the world by taking away the fear and power of death (turning God into a grave robber), but He mailed us an RSVP to His wedding and invited us to the greatest event that will ever take place in history or future.
How would this knowledge change your life? How would you respond to such an act of love? For me, it creates the most complete combination of strength, hope, and peace. My life is tough, but Jesus feels the pain points with me. The evil that is in the world has already been redeemed and will one day be judged. And finally, while strength, hope, and peace follow me, my trials and tribulations bring praise, glory, and honor to the One that I love.
By the way, at the celebration party, are the barrels full of water or wine? John 2: 1-11
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