Sunday, April 8, 2012

God is a Grave Robber

Sin HAS lost its power and death HAS lost its sting!

Today is Easter and the name of God is being shouted and celebrated from one end of the globe to the other.

...And God is pleased!

Many are experiencing new life in him today, as church attendance skyrockets and people hear about the greatest victory that was ever won.

Death was beaten.

By experiencing one of the most horrific deaths in history, Jesus removed the fear that existed in death.  He took the judgment that lies upon us, and united us forever with His Father.

God is a grave robber.  He passionately pursues us, and the devil gets no satisfaction from our passing while we have life in Him, no matter how good or bad our lives may be. Upon our passing, the earth may receive our bodies, but God receives our souls.

I rejoice in the fact that I hold an invitation to the greatest party that has ever been planned.  I may be a long time in waiting, but I look forward to the dancing days in divinity.

There is no fear in death if God has triumphed over it.  Easter is a time that we get to celebrate the God that is in us, and the time that He stole all the fun from the devil, and the time that He robbed graves for His glory.

Happy Easter!!!

If you are not available to make it to a church today, check out the following links. It won't disappoint.

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