Reminiscent Lessons
Here I sit watching the sunset and watching the flies buzz about in the meadow. I sit atop a hill in the town where I grew up, sitting on a bench with just the crickets chirping and my thoughts. O yes, and one more familiar sound: drums.
It is in this instant that I remember that the place I sit is only a quarter mile away from the high school that I once attended. Even at the ripe age of 23, this seems like an old chapter in my life. There was so much growing, so much trial, and so much celebration. It was during these years that I thought I understood everything at the fundamental and psychological level when, only 5 years later, I have discovered that I was only scraping the very edge of the complexity of humanity.
Drums. Such a simple sound that reminds me also that my soul is wooed through music. I have grown up with the organization of simple sounds layered into a complexity that makes the mind stand in awe. This enjoyment has followed me throughout my years of maturity and it is through these sounds that I can remember where I was but more importantly who I was.
So as I listen to these drums from my high school band, I remember how much I wanted to quit after 2 weeks due to disagreements with the director. But I also remember the discipline that I learned that set me up well for more grandiose experiences with a college marching band inside of stadiums.
It is through this point that I must remember that I had great fun and enjoyed a great many things, but only after sacrifice, discipline, and patience. So even now, as I muddle through and often staggering and groping for stability in early adulthood, I know that the time will come and the celebration will be had.
"Be patient, take advantage of opportunity, and you will have your celebration day."
The advice that whispers softly in my ears causes me to lift my chin and focus my eyes. Yes, my day is coming for all roads lead somewhere, but you must first walk it to see where it is going.
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