Monday, July 16, 2012

Persistence Tells Good Stories

Inspire, create, motivate, persist...

Passion, love, pressure, and drive...

DS2DIO is an organization that matches up YouTube music and dance artists to collaborate and simply create.  The results are high quality and highly enjoyable.  The documentary aspects at the beginning of each video also provides greater understanding into the story of each collaboration so that the audience feels invested in each experience.

Destorm Power and Jonathan Legacy Perez collaborate on this piece to show and provide a small window into what it looks like to first discover talent, to next pursue passion, to endure struggle, and to finally resolve in achievement.

This pattern is visible in many aspects of life, most notably in the pursuance of our "calling".  God is the original creator, of both these beautiful art forms and of the talents within each of us.  He asks us to multiply our talents and benefit those around us through love.  Finally, the Bible talks extensively about persistence and how this is a never-ending theme in humanity.  Struggles and conflicts create character and create stories and testimonies, from which we draw inspiration and power.

So develop your passion, push through the struggles, and let the world benefit from YOUR story.

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