I know, this is more of an Easter song so I should probably wait a few months before highlighting this song and this concept. I should be going more for the traditional carols and songs of good cheer...but that just got me to thinking...
When I really think about the reason for the season...
...there would be no Christmas without Easter.
The only reason Jesus's birth is significant is because of the role that He plays on Earth...
...which leads to great jubilation and celebration because we look toward that day...
That day when we reunite and the groom (Jesus) and the bride (His church) are united with no sin or hurdles to cause a divide.
There is SO MUCH (yes so so much) hope in this vision and it is one that requires great faith, and furthermore it is a story that involves love. Not a love that chooses and is swayed by attraction, but a love that is chosen and intentional.
I have blogged much in 2012 about pain
and suffering
and trial
and tribulation...
But even though those have been my themes of 2012, my word for the year is
In this I will always celebrate and it is for this reason that...
This is the story of the Son of God
Hanging on the cross for me
But it ends with a bride and groom
And a wedding by a glassy sea
O death where is your sting
Cause I'll be there singing
Holy Holy Holy
Is the Lord
This is the story of a bride in white
Waiting on her wedding day
Anticipation welling up inside
While the groom is crowned as king
O death where is your sting
Cause we'll be there singing
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord
Is the Lord Almighty
Hanging on the cross for me
But it ends with a bride and groom
And a wedding by a glassy sea
O death where is your sting
Cause I'll be there singing
Holy Holy Holy
Is the Lord
This is the story of a bride in white
Waiting on her wedding day
Anticipation welling up inside
While the groom is crowned as king
O death where is your sting
Cause we'll be there singing
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord
Is the Lord Almighty