Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Spring!

While I can find positives in any season or any part of the year, I believe that spring is my favorite.  This season brings a break to the cold weather that imprisons us in our homes and offices and the daylight hours lengthen so that we finally get to enjoy the outdoors.  Also, spring happens to be the season that includes my birthday, but more on that in a bit.

At this point, I have been 4 months graduated from Penn State and 2 months working in the chemical industry for The Linde Group.  I work for a company that separates the air we breathe into its individual elements (nitrogen, oxygen, argon) in addition to other gases (such as carbon dioxide, helium, and hydrogen) and places these molecules into numerous applications.  Probably the most recognizable application would be the "pop" in soda pop.  When you open a Pepsi or Coca-Cola branded soda, that beverage most likely consists of Linde's carbon dioxide.

I work in marketing and sales for specific projects that improve our brand awareness as well as maximizing opportunities for new customers to find applications for our technology.  It so far has been a rewarding experience that has included opportunities to travel to Orlando for trade shows.  (Yes, my first trip to Disneyworld was included in my agenda).

Outside of work, I have been getting involved with a group called charity:water, a non-profit organization based in New York City that brings safe and clean drinking water to developing nations.  Water is the source of numerous issues in developing nations including malnutrition, disease, and education poverty.

In my junior year at Penn State, I lay witness to one of the more interesting "turning 21" drinking parties.  This was the type of party that had everyone talking, including the school newspaper.  In fact, it was even getting lots of endorsements from groups and organizations around campus.  The most interesting thing was that not one drop of alcohol was served.  Every person was encouraged to make a suggested donation of $10 upon admission to the house party and nothing was served except water.  There were awareness posters around the house and even a slideshow/DVD playing on the TV screen. Every dollar that was raised went directly to water projects around the world.  We had a good time, wrote stories, and created memories.  From that moment, the issue of safe and clean drinking water has been a global issue that has resonated with my pathos.

This year, I am doing something that is very similar.  April 18 is my birthday and I will be turning 23.  Instead of gifts, I am asking people to give the gift that provides sustainability.  I am hoping that 23 people will make donations of $23, to bring a grand total of $529.  Calculations say that $20 brings water to one person for life, so we will be able to forever impact and change 26 lives (5 families) through this birthday campaign.  Charity:water sends 100% of its fundraised dollars to the field and even assigns GPS coordinates on GoogleMaps so that you can see where your donation has its impact. (My donation page)

I have been very blessed in the most recent years of my life.  I feel that I have been blessed in order that I may be a blessing to others, equipping them to do the same.  I appreciate you taking the opportunity to learn about this issue with me.  If this is something that strikes your fancy, I would love to hear about it.  I also hope that this season of spring will bring about new life and renewal for you, as well.

Grace and peace,
Mike Staub

You can learn more about charity:water here (no it's not a virus):: http://www.charitywater.org/media/downloads/charity_water_presskit.pdf.zip

Friday, April 13, 2012


Yes, I was one of them.  One of the bullies, and the bullied.

The competitive nature of school combined with a lack of self-control further combined with a search for self-image can lead to some ugly scenarios.

I was suspended from school (and subsequently grounded) for two days for a bullying incident with another individual on a school bus.  The truth was, we were both the subject of some dirty taunts, but instead of banding together, we turned on each other, trying to prove to the other that we were man enough.  We were trying to prove to all the other people or bullies around us that we had a greater purpose than to be bullied.  It reminds me of an animalistic survival of the fittest with little regard for rules.

For guys, the argument is often that we are not tough enough. Often the band members and artists are targets of scrutiny.  For girls, the argument is often that they are not pretty enough or worthy to ever attract another guy to them.

This is where I say that is imperative that both you and me act. Be educated. Be aware.

The teenage and college years can be among some of the most impressionable years that we have, years that we reject authority but thirst for guidance all at the same time. My advice is to invest. Be involved in your community through a church or other interest group and be a guide to the young males and females that surround you.

For me, I could have used the guidance that I was worthy, that my worth was independent of an earthly human being's opinion.  For a woman, I can imagine that the words of 1 Peter 3:3-4 could transform her outlook on her body and here place within this world.

We may no longer roam the halls within our school systems, but we can feed an alternative message that is much more profound taunts on a school bus.

Invest integrity into our future. The return will be ever greater in the up and coming years.

The music video below was written and compiled in three days by Mike Tompkins, a Youtube music artist in response to a documentary, BULLY, which releases in select theaters today, April 13. (http://www.thebullyproject.com/)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

God is a Grave Robber

Sin HAS lost its power and death HAS lost its sting!

Today is Easter and the name of God is being shouted and celebrated from one end of the globe to the other.

...And God is pleased!

Many are experiencing new life in him today, as church attendance skyrockets and people hear about the greatest victory that was ever won.

Death was beaten.

By experiencing one of the most horrific deaths in history, Jesus removed the fear that existed in death.  He took the judgment that lies upon us, and united us forever with His Father.

God is a grave robber.  He passionately pursues us, and the devil gets no satisfaction from our passing while we have life in Him, no matter how good or bad our lives may be. Upon our passing, the earth may receive our bodies, but God receives our souls.

I rejoice in the fact that I hold an invitation to the greatest party that has ever been planned.  I may be a long time in waiting, but I look forward to the dancing days in divinity.

There is no fear in death if God has triumphed over it.  Easter is a time that we get to celebrate the God that is in us, and the time that He stole all the fun from the devil, and the time that He robbed graves for His glory.

Happy Easter!!!

If you are not available to make it to a church today, check out the following links. It won't disappoint.

